Võhandu maraton 100km Emajõe maraton 56km Lahemaa maraton 24 km Põltsamaa maraton 80 km
April 05th, 2025
Downriver race
Registration will be open from Dec 01 2024

About Important Instructions map fees Registration Photos Results Sponsors Wolves Contact


Türi-Tori Downriver Race takes place during the spring high water in Estonia on the River of Pärnu and is open for sportsmen as well as hobby paddlers in kayaks, canoes, rafts and all other vessels propelled by muscle power.
It is a run on high water with stretches of river where you either race forward, fly up in the air or swim in water, or, after a snowless winter, test your skills between stones in low water.
* You can choose between the 78, 47 and 104 kilometres long routes
* The cut-off time for the longer route is 15 hours
* The 78 kilometres route has five, 47 kilometres route has three and 104 km route seven check points with timing.
* On the longer routes, there is one catering point at the Kurgja CP.
* At the finishing point, all participants are offered hot sauna, catering and an afterparty
* All participants will be awarded a diploma, while the winners in each boat class of the longer route will be awarded a trophy and winners of the shorter route will be awarded a medal
* The main prize will be raffled out between all the participants.

NB!  According to the recreational water hiking classification the River of Pärnu as a whole belongs to the 1st category of difficulty (WW I, the easiest level), being feasible, even in high water, for everyone having passed the basic training and being able to steer a canoe or a kayak in the river.

It is also allowed to carry vessels past all the rapids and dams.


Date:       Aprill 5th, 2025
Routes:     47 km long route starting at Kurgja, 78 km route starting at Veskisilla, Türi-Alliku, 104 km route starting at Paide.
Finish:        for 47 and 78 km route at the Tori (near Tori Basic School) on the left bank of the river; for 104 km route at the Sindi.  



It is best to follow important information before the race as well as see pictures about the race on our  Facebook wall. Click on "Like" at the first page and up-to-date information will be included in your news feed.

In 2025, the winners boat classes with three or more participants of the 78 and 104 km route of the 2024 downriver race will participate FREE OF CHARGE.

This offer is personal and does not apply to team-mates.

Transport back to the starting point

For those having no support teams, we offer transport back to the starting point.
Read more under Bed & Transport.

Boat rental

If you need a boat to enter the race, download the contacts of suppliers here (pdf)

If you need more information about the river or safety,

please read our article "How safe is Türi-Tori Downriver Race?" here (pdf).


Canoe (C) class vessels are characterised by the following:

1) competitors use canoe paddles;
2) the seats are not supported on the bottom of the vessel but are located higher, and paddler either kneels on the bottom of the boat or sits on a raised seat;
3) the vessel has no fitted steering system;
4) manufacturer specifies the vessel as a canoe or sells the vessels as a canoe.

RAFT class vessels

are inflatable, level bottomed vessels with no fitted steering system and the competitors use canoe paddles.
The maximum width/length ratio of the RAFT class vessels is 3. For example, when the width is 1 meter, the maximum length will be 3 meters.

SUP class

must use only a paddle with one blade. The use of a double-bladed kayak paddle is prohibited.
If the organisers have valid ground to assume the vessels does not actually belong to the class it is registered in, they may see fit to list it in another class.



The Instructions Sheet describes the nature of the race, its rules and conditions.
All issues unregulated in the Instructions shall be solved by the organisers.
Instructions sheet (pdf)


The Safety Information Sheet deals with the dangers involved and their prevention and gives advice for minimizing risks.

Safety instructions (pdf)
Turvallisuusohje (pdf)
Drošības informācijas (pdf)
Instrukcje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa (pdf)
Saugos informacijos lapas (pdf)

Main distance
78 km: Türi-Tori

Route map

The Türi-Tori Downriver Race is an event organised during the spring high water period on the River of Pärnu. The difference in elevation between the starting and finishing point of the 78 kilometres long route is 50 meters.
The 78 km route from Veskisilla usually takes 6 to 10 hours to pass depending on the water level and the flow as well as the vessel. The map introduces some of the sites important for competitors and interesting for on-lookers. In spring, most of the rapids offering excitement only at low water level are under water and have therefore been left out.

Find out more by running your mouse over the coloured dots.

Route map

The Türi-Tori Downriver Race is an event organised during the spring high water period on the River of Pärnu.
The Türi - Tori 47 km Hiking route from Kurgja to Tori usually takes 3 to 8 hours to pass depending on the water level and the flow as well as the vessel. The map introduces some of the sites important for competitors and interesting for on-lookers. In spring, most of the rapids offering excitement only at low water level are under water and have therefore been left out.

Find out more by running your mouse over the coloured dots.

Route map

The Türi-Tori Downriver Race is an event organised during the spring high water period on the River of Pärnu.
The Paide - Sindi 104 km route from Paide to Sindi is new distance for kayaks, canoes and SUPs.
The map introduces some of the sites important for competitors and interesting for on-lookers. In spring, most of the rapids offering excitement only at low water level are under water and have therefore been left out.

Find out more by running your mouse over the coloured dots.

104 Paide-Sindi
starting point

Coordinates: 58.884026, 25.579692
The 104 km starting point is located at Paide, near by junction of rivers Esna and Pärnu on the right bank at Järve road in parking lot. As the river is relatively narrow, individual interval start is applied. The kayaks, canoes and SUPs only allowed, no rafts and water bikes, because the river is narrow.

78 km starting point

Coordinates: 58.820131, 25.445305
The 78 km starting point is located at Türi-Alliku next to the Veskisilla Hotel. As the river is relatively narrow, individual interval start is applied. There have been occasions where vessels have capsized right after the start when attemting to maneuver in rapid flow. Downstream the starting point the river is crooked and in case of extremely high water vessels move along flooded banks right between the trees and bushes.

Veskisilla KP

Coordinates: 58.821841, 25.444423
From start 13 km, to finish in Sindi 91 km. To the next CP in Jändja is 13 km.

Low bridge !!!

Coordinates: 58.801705, 25.436935
After having passed under two roadbridges there are the remains of a very low old railway bridge crossing the river. Depending on the water level you either lie low in the vessel and try to pass under it or you play safe by carrying your boat round the bridge.

A 0,5m drop

Coordinates: 58.792772, 25.423100
A little farther from the low bridge there is a site of an old dam forming a small drop. During high water, it is easily passable along the right branch of the river. Capsizing has occurred when boats have tried to pass through the relatively narrow passage at the same time. Be prepared for some turbulence and spashing water!

Laupa milldam rapid

Coordinates: 58.762469, 25.368898
Ten kilometers from the 78 km starting point, there is the Laupa milldam rapid offering high waves and high emotions. The rapid is rather narrow and capsizing has occurred when competitors have tried to pass throught the rapid all at once. The first Control Point at Jändja is 3 kilometers downstream.
Watch photos here

Jändja CP and milldam

Coordinates: 58.753402, 25.321620
Couple of hundred meters before Jändja mill-pond, starts a chaotic stone field, which was exposed, when dam was removed.
With high water there is a serious wave and long rocky rapid under the dam, with low water you’ll have to be careful picking the route between the rocks. There is a channel for boats only in width of 2,5m. To reach the channel one should pass the dam from the right side. The competitors with expensive and easily damaged boats should be extra cautious here.
Who wishes to get ashore for some reason can do so right after the dam driving to the left shore. There is no reason to carry the boats around the Jändja dam anymore.
To the next checkpoint in Kurgja, where competitors get to eat, is 18 km.

For the old times sake, when the dam was with proper terrace, here is a video.

Kurgja KPT
and milldam

Coordinates: 58.665082, 25.256335
Kurgja Control Point, 31 kilometers downstream from the starting point, is located on the right bank next to the milldam. Catering is offered for competitors of the longer routes and it also serves as the STARTING point for the shorter route. The majority of competitors choose to carry their boats round the milldam along the right bank while the more skilled competitors pass through the dam.
Suurejõe Control Point is 13 kilometers downstream.

Hiking distance 47 km
starting point in Kurgja

Coordinates: 58.665082, 25.256335
The starting point is located on the right bank next to the milldam. Suurejõe Control Point is 13 kilometers downstream.

Suurejõe CP and milldam rapid

Coordinates: 58.616707, 25.102107
Suurejõe Control Point, 13 kilometers downstream from Kurgja, is located on the left bank right before the road bridge. 50 meters downstream the bridge there are the remains of the old milldam now forming a rapid. During high water, the flow is fast and powerful there and, depending on the actual water level, capsizing or even vessel damage is possible.

Vihtra milldam rapid

Coordinates: 58.587280, 25.019295
Some 7 kilometers downstream from Suurejõe there is the Vihtra roadbridge; another 400 meters downstream there is a suspension bridge; and yet another 200 meters downstream there is the Vihtra milldam rapid.
As a rule, it is best to pass through the rapid alongside the right bank and when doing so the rapid should not be challenging. Nevertheless, you should be careful as the flow is fast and turbulent and capsizing has occurred.

PIESTA Check Point

Coordinaates: 58.573502, 24.999601
It is 11 km from the Suurejõgi KP to the Piesta KP near the Piesta-Kuusikaru farm. KP is located on the right bank of the river, approx. 100 m from the road. You can approach KP by car only along the Vihtra-Kullimaa road on the right bank of the river. The nearest bridge to cross the river by car is Vihtra.
During the Race, the Piesta Farm cafe and shop are open near the KP, where attendants can pass the time while waiting for the competitors and enjoy the apple flavors of the Piesta-Kuusikaru farm. More information is available on the website piesta.ee
It is 12 km to Jõesuu KP, 22 km to the finish in Tori and 35 km to Sindi.

Kure Check Point

Coordinaates: 58.551263, 24.945554
Kure Control Point, 15 kilometers downstream from Suurejõe, is located on the right bank at Kure hiking campsite, some 50 meters from the main road. Access by car only along the Tori-Massu road on the right bank. The nearest bridges for crossing are at Tori and Vihtra.In summer, the campsite is the starting and finishing point as well as the overnight stopping point for canoers served by www.loodusmatkad.ee

Jõesuu Check Point

Coordinates: 58.495816, 24.889652
Jõesuu Control Point, 12 kilometers downstream from Piesta Control Point, is located on the right bank some 100 meters downstream from the Jõesuu suspension bridge. Before reaching the control point there is the almost a kilometer long Jõesuu rapid with a overall drop of 1.9 meters. During high water, most of the rocks are covered by water and competitors only have to cope with fast current. Access by car along the Tori-Massu road on the right bank. The nearest bridges for crossing are at Tori and Vihtra as the Jõesuu suspension bridge is for pedestrians only.

Tori Virula milldam rapid

Koordinaadid: 58.478153, 24.799583
Approximately 1 kilometer downstream from the Tori roadbridge and the church beside it, there is the rapid with a considerable overall drop. Right after the drop, the riverbed becomes narrower which means that, depending on the water level, competitors are faced with an especially fast current (high water level) or a fast current, considerable waves and big rocks as well (low water level). The best passage is at one third from the right bank.
The finish of 78 and 47 km routes is approximately 100 meters away.
To the finish in Sindi is more 13 km.

Finish in Tori

Coordinates: 58.477639, 24.797419
The finish is located at Tori on the left bank of the river next to the school (Tori Põhikool), by road some 1.5 kilometres from the Tori bridge and church. From the finishing point, competitors head along a marked path to Tori schoolhouse to have a shower, change clothes and have a meal. The award ceremony as well as the raffle is also going to take place at the schoolhouse.

104 km Paide-Sindi
Finish in Sindi

Coordinates: 58.413708, 24.664549
Finish is located at left bank of river in Sindi outdoor swimmingpool about 600m downstream from Sindi bridge. Finish gate is marked with white flags with black writing FINIŠ on it.
The competitors move to Tori Basic School immediately after finishing with their own or organisers transport..


In December 2024
78 km Türi-Tori distance – 60€ per one competitor;
47 km Kurgja-Tori distance – 56€ per one competitor;
104 km Paide-Sindi distance – 62€ per one competitor

In January 2025
78 km Türi-Tori distance – 69€ per one competitor;
47 km Kurgja-Tori distance - 64€ per one competitor;
104 km Paide-Sindi distance – 72€ per one competitor

In February and until March 25th 2025
78 km Türi-Tori distance – 76€ per one competitor;
47 km Kurgja-Tori distance – 72€ per one competitor;
104 km Paide-Sindi distance – 79€ per one competitor

Registration is open until March 25th. From 26th of March is possible to register only with a good reason with a latecomer tariff 100€ for all distances.   

Catering for the members of support teams

on the 104 and 78 km Türi-Tori route at Kurgja costs 18 euros per person and  
and on the 47 km Kurgja-Tori route at the finishing point costs 12 euros per person and is payable together with the entering fee.

If you need transport from Tori back to the starting point

please indicate the number of persons upon registration and we will get you and your boat back to start.
Transfer costs 25 euros per person and is payable together with the entering fee.

XV Türi-Tori downriver race is entitled to free participation

XIV Race 78 and 104 km distances winners of boat classes with three or more participants. The discount is nominal and does not extend to a new boatmate and is not transferable to another participant.

Free entry winners:
* Toomas Umalas
* Marek Hendrikson
* Dariusz Majchrzak
* Marti Lepik
* Andres Kalle
* Linda Tetsmann
* Anette Baum
* Siim Väli
* Kaupo Vallik
* Maili Kahu
* Vahur Kahu
* Raul Lepasild
* Toomas Lelumees
* Indrek Juhanson
* Arūnas Dubauskas
* Susan Lützner
* Margus Meidla
* Urmas Toomas
* Jaan Keerma
* Ainar Münt
* Elar Luhamets
* Andero Luhamets

To redeem a free participation, enter the code 2024 in the "I have a Gift code" field when registering the boat and the system will issue the correct invoice.



Registration starts on December 1st and runs until March 25th 2025.


About of distances, entering fees and rules You can read in instructions.  



Teet Reier: Veskisilla Suurejõe Klaara-Manni

Margus Kontus photos

Gunnar Baum: Türi-Tori kiirlaskumine 2024



Teet Reier: Veskisilla Kurgja Suurejõe Vihtra Klaara-Manni

Rasmus Maipuu: Veskisilla and Tori kool

Markus Mangusson: Vihtralt

Hurmi Jürjens: Türi-Tori kiirlaskumine 2023

Gunnar Baum: Türi-Tori kiirlaskumine 2023


Teet Reier: Veskisilla Laupa Rae ja Kurgja Vihtra ja Jõesuu Klaara-Manni

Siim Peetris: Türi-Tori 2022

Hurmi Jürjens: Türi-Tori kiirlaskumine 2022  

Eeva Luht: Sindi


    Teet Reieri album    Markus Mangussoni album Vihtralt


    Paide start    Raftide start Veskisillal   Türi   Laupa   Jändja   Kurgja start   Suurejõe   Vihtra   Tori finiš   Sindi finiš   Autasustamine



Results from:

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019        2021 2022 2023 2024

Overview of the results throughout the years click the link!

Best times and water levels around the years:



The Riverwolf Club is a virtual club for those brave men and women who have participated in the Türi-Tori Marathon for at least five times.
So when you happen to cross paths with someone in a yellow T-shirt with a Wolf Club emblem on it, you can be sure that the person is among the most experienced paddlers of the Türi-Tori Marathon.
That person has repeatedly defied the early spring chills and enjoyed paddling on the fast and turbulent river that has just cast its icy covers by participating in the most demanding paddling marathon in Estonia that is not feasible for everyone.

With the Riverwolf Club T-shirt and emblem the organisers pay tribute to the most enthusiastic and experienced participants of the Türi-Tori Paddling Marathon.
The Riverwolf Club members get  this T-shirt for free.
We kindly ask those of you participating at the Marathon for the fifth time to forward your T-shirt size (S, M, L, XL, XXL) by filling up the form under Contacts.
Information on participation can be found under RESULTS.



The Türi-Tori Downriver Race is organised by non-profit organisation  

Address: Turu tn 22-16, Vändra alev, Põhja-Pärnumaa vald, 87701 Pärnu maakond, Estonia
Tel.:    +372 50 92 491
e-post:  tyritori @ tyritori.ee
IBAN:    EE072200221049101228  Swedbank


If you have any questions or comments,  please contact us by filling up the form.  We will be happy to hear from you.

Your message:

Send a copy to yourself.